Reiki Masters, Spiritual Healers, Holistic Healers, Spiritual Healers, and many more terms are used to address people who offer energy healing. But what is it that they exactly do and how do you recognize the right one? This blog will discuss who or what an energy healer is and its characteristics?
As the sword of Ali ibn Abi Talib smashed at the time of the Fight of Uhud, the pagans began to shut down on the Muslims, leading most of them to flee, before moving in to attempt and ultimately crucify the Prophet Muhammad.
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Various studies show a piece of art has a strong impact on health and it can even change a person if he truly understands the logic behind it. Buddhist believers place Buddha images or sculptures around them and it has proven that a person is relaxed after looking at them.
Ramadan is a month of complete devotion and supplication to Allah almighty by the obligatory act of fasting. Fasting in Ramadan is 3rd and one of the essential pillars of the Islamic faith. These fasts are obligatory on every Muslim; adult, physically and mentally capable of it.
Lighting a diya is an essential aspect of all ceremonies including worships, festivals, religious occasions, auspicious days and connecting with the Supreme Being
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