According to the experts of funeral homes Sydney, funeral ceremony has a very important role for those mourning because of the loss of a loved one in a family. This even gives an atmosphere to the family and friends of the deceased to express their love and gratitude to the deceased one last time.
Ramadan is arriving with all of its blessings and glory. This holy month is a valuable time that is overflowing with rewards although we might be experiencing it under the conditions of the COVID-19
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As the sword of Ali ibn Abi Talib smashed at the time of the Fight of Uhud, the pagans began to shut down on the Muslims, leading most of them to flee, before moving in to attempt and ultimately crucify the Prophet Muhammad.
At a time like this, podcasts are our daily fixers. While they are known to inspire, educate and connect us, they open our minds and give us the space and time to listen, think and learn.
Diwali is a beautiful festival of lights celebrated in India, symbolizing the victory of Ram over Ravana and righteousness over darkness. Deepavali refers to rows of clay lamps or diyas, which mark the return of Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshaman to their kingdom Ayodhya after 14 years of exile.
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